Goodreads Author Review: THE JINN AND THE TWO KINGDOMS

Authors are allowed to 'review' their own books in Goodreads. Below is the review for my latest fantasy novel, The Jinn and the Two Kingdoms (Amazon link: ). ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ “Thiago doesn’t think of himself as a demon, but he is. He’s a thief too, and therein lies this story.” The blurb for The Jinn … Continue reading Goodreads Author Review: THE JINN AND THE TWO KINGDOMS

Book Review: UNION STATION by Ian Welke

UNION STATION by Ian Welke is a modern fantasy novel set in Los Angeles and published by a cool, boutique publisher, Omnium Gatherum. The story focuses on books. Its protagonist is a magician and ex-librarian with a complicated backstory, Tom Jackson, whose magical talent is to locate rare, valuable books (including a first edition Hemingway!). … Continue reading Book Review: UNION STATION by Ian Welke

Fantasy novel just released: THE JINN AND THE TWO KINGDOMS

My latest fantasy novel is now available on Amazon ( ). It's a literary fantasy with a fast-moving plot and strong male and female characters. Here's a description: Thiago doesn’t think of himself as a demon, but he is. He’s a thief too, and therein lies this story. A portal connects medieval Arabia to … Continue reading Fantasy novel just released: THE JINN AND THE TWO KINGDOMS